Worldwide internship and new experiences
A story by Mikkel Voigt Tinning – Undergraduate intern, Automation Products at Novenco Marine & Offshore
As a part of my education in Marine Engineering & Technology Management, I had been granted a half year undergraduate internship at Novenco Marine & Offshore in Denmark and here is a small story from my internship.
My last examination had only just ended before I found myself in the middle of a very interesting and challenging project for two passenger ship with 500 Pax capacity, which is two identically ships. As you may already know, Novenco Marine & Offshore is the supplier of the HVAC system for this project for the Indian Government built at the Cochin shipyard in India and will be operating in Andaman Island in India. It was a part of this project; I suddenly had the responsibility for.
The demand of a more efficient, easy maintenance, and long life expectancy resulted in a provision cooling plant. The solution was with an extra compressor to handle a variety of demands of cooling loads in the provision rooms and I had the honor to be a part of the automation part primarily.
The first weeks went by so fast with engineering, testing, and fine-tuning the new software for the project. This tests was performed in the office, with the test rig and were built up, with the plc and expansion modules and I did all the wiring to the 0-10V regulator, pt 1000 regulator and switches for simulation of alarms and start signals etc. This office test rig can simulate all different types of units and configurations that Novenco Marine & Offshore produces and develops. With the help of this test rig and close cooperation with the techniques, it is possible to pre-test all software before the final test of the product.
After the office test, Novenco Marine & Offshore offered me a trip to the production line in Wuxi, China, a few weeks later and the preparation I had been doing in the office test would finally be tested.
I packed my suitcase and went to China and a bit jetlagged I visited the production line in Wuxi. I suddenly stood in front of this cooling Provision plant that I had tested back home in Denmark and instead of a drawing on piece of paper it was an almost finish Novenco product. Unfortunately, the Panel for the provision plant for the three compressors were not ready for testing. However, I still helped testing the normal provision plant to the same project and it went flawless.
During the trip, I have varies kind of task, I assisted in an inspection of the quality of the products in the productions line and this was very exciting. Another important task I had to do was to make a price index, for Novenco Marine & Offshore cooling products. Which means that, the sales department have a price tool to give an overview of which cooling plant there will have the lowest price on a specific cooling demand.
My time in Wuxi was not all about work and I was invited to dinners where I tried different kinds of food, I tried the Korean barbecue and Japanese, where something the Chinese enjoyed eating. During the weekends, I was playing football with people from the office and there was time for a bit of sightseeing as well. After almost two weeks in Wuxi, it was time to go to Shanghai to visit the office there and have the weekend in Shanghai city before heading back home again.
My internship with Novenco Marine & Offshore have, so far, resulted in a lot of experience, challenges, and knowledge that school could not have prepared me for and of course a bunch of very kind people who have welcomed me with open arms. I will see you out there, and remember we will be at the Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management at their Open House Arrangement at 31th of October.